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Pipeline pigging, enhanced pipeline cleaning services, and In-line Inspection Programs

A Typical 90 bar guage pig traps for gas pipeline
BESL through its strong partnership with leading Inspection companies provide integrity services, including pipeline pigging, enhanced pipeline cleaning, in-line tool (smart pig) pipeline inspections. The pipeline Services Division pf our Partners hoes managed in-line inspection work for more than 25 years and has processed in-line inspection data for more than 12,000 miles of natural gas and hazardous liquids pipelines. In-line inspection related services provided by BESL include:
- Pipeline Cleaning
- Pigs and Scrapers
- Surfactants
- Black Powder Removal
- Pipeline Modifications
- Launchers and Receivers
- Tool Selection
- Gauging
- Deformation
- Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL)
- Ultrasonic Thickness (UT)
- Program Implementation